Exclusion policy and procedure

Here is a guide:


Exclusion length: 1 week

• No history of violence.

• Challenging or attention-seeking behaviour, for example, shouting, running round the Drop-In; minor sexual innuendo; behaviour causing immense irritation to other service users; causing a management problem or compromising safety.


Exclusion length: 1 month

• Deliberate or repeatedly aggressive behaviour, threatening violence or damage to Salvation Army property. Theft from other service users or volunteers.

• Verbal abuse of other service users, volunteers or staff, for example, discriminatory comments; inappropriate sexual comments and harassment.

• Possession of alcohol, consuming alcohol on the premises or within the boundary or extreme intoxication (from drugs or alcohol).

• Possession of an offensive weapon.

• Possession or consumption of illegal drugs on the premises or suspicion of possession.

• Possession or consumption of prescription drugs not belonging to them.

• Sniffing or inhaling glue or other solvents.


Exclusion length: 6 months to permanent

• Physical/sexual violence or intimidation without obvious provocation; physical violence, assaults on other service users staff or volunteers, extremely threatening behaviour, use of offensive weapon.

• Suspected or actual dealing in/supply of illegal drugs or prescribed drugs.

Recording procedure

All exclusions should be referenced in the FiA briefing book.

Exclusions of one week or more are recorded on an exclusion record form, which is placed in the service user’s file. The person’s name is also recorded on the current exclusion sheet, which gives ‘at a glance’ information for staff and volunteers.

Medium and high level incidents

For any exclusion relating to a medium or a high level incident, the individual should simply be asked to leave. The appropriate length of the exclusion is at the discretion of the Project Manager, and the person should be informed at the time of the incident when possible. The exclusion period starts at the date of the incident, not when the service user is next seen.

Re-entry interviews

Service users who are excluded must have a re-entry interview before coming back to the Drop-In. This should be with the Project Manager. If the service user is not in a suitable state to take part in the interview, s/he must be asked to return on another day, and must not be allowed in until the re-entry interview has taken place. Anyone refusing to take part in a re-entry interview remains excluded.

At this re-entry interview, the reasons for the exclusion are discussed, plus ways of ensuring similar behaviour does not happen again. The service user is also given a copy of the FiA ‘Welcome Leaflet’ (see appendix 1). Points made at the re-entry interview should be noted in the service user’s file and referenced in the briefing book.

Reviews of high-level incidents

After six months, exclusions of 6 months or more are reviewed at the staff meeting. If it is agreed to lift the exclusion, the re-entry interview procedure is used as above.

Appeals procedure

Service users who are unhappy with their exclusion can appeal to the Project Manager. The appeal will then be discussed at a supervision meeting.

Training and support

The exclusion policy should be given to and discussed with all new volunteers and staff involved in service delivery to service users, to ensure they understand its operation.

It is the responsibility of the Project Manager’s Line Manager to ensure that the Project Manager receives support after an exclusion, particularly one involving violence or threats. This support will include individual discussion.

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