Dzienny ośrodek – aktualności, czerwiec

Prawie wszyscy nasi bezdomni goście podczas epidemii pozostają zakwaterowani w hotelach w różnych częściach Londynu. 3 czerwca otworzyliśmy nasz ośrodek po raz pierwszy od marca, przyjmując podopiecznych na omówione spotkania w środy i piątki.  Indywidualne sesje z...
Drop-in June update

Drop-in June update

Nearly all of our homeless service users continue to be in hotel accommodation in various parts of London while the lockdown continues.   On 3 June, we opened the Drop-in for the first time since March on both the Wednesday and Friday of that week for pre-arranged...

Drop-in May update

Our team continues to support homeless people, despite the Drop-in being closed for the duration. Nearly all of our homeless service users – including those dozen or so who were in the Merton Winter Night Shelter – have accepted hotel accommodation in...
Mayor of Merton’s Charity Appeal

Mayor of Merton’s Charity Appeal

Last Saturday, 25 April, should have seen the prestigious Mayor of Merton’s Charity Ball at the All England Club, Faith in Action being one of the two beneficiary charities adopted by outgoing Mayor of Merton, Cllr Janice Howard, in 2019/20. Unfortunately the...

Message from Chair of Trustees

Update to supporters on the Drop-in during the COVID-19 emergency. Very reluctantly, we have had to close our Homeless Drop-In, following government instructions about social distancing. We will re-open as soon as we can. Meanwhile, we are continuing to work with our...

Drop-in now closed for duration

In the light of recent government announcements, we have very reluctantly decided that we cannot run the Drop-in for the duration, which has now closed. We will keep our service users informed of further developments here on our website. Our telephone number for...